SatFish provides many features that help all types of anglers up their game. Whether you are a novice angler just starting your journey into offshore fishing or you are a seasoned tournament angler, SatFish provides the tools to take your game one step further and help you catch more fish.
SatFish University
Offshore, structure is a very different thing than it is inshore. Most of us know to look for three key elements: flotsam, temperature breaks, and bathymetric changes. Is there also a fourth you should be on the lookout for? Some savvy anglers say chlorophyll can be key.
-VIDEO- Here on the Pacific coast we have a ton of cloudy days which block high-def SST maps, but we’re not about to let a little cloud cover get in the way of our offshore fishing plans! SatFish has several tools honed from decades of experience to help you keep track of water temps and breaks.